Dr. J.C. (Judith) Koops


Judith Koops (PhD, 2020) is a researcher at the Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute, Principal Investigator of the project “Unintended births and the motherhood penalty”, and Executive Secretary for the European Association for Population Studies. Her research focuses on family formation and the transition to parenthood. She is interested in inequality, life course and cross-national patterns. Her work has appeared in top journals including the European Journal of Population, Population Space and Place, and International Migration Review. She was awarded a Microdata Access Grant (2024) and Gak-KNAW grant (2023) to examine the influence of birth intention on the labour market outcomes of women in the Netherlands and Europe. She also acquired a Fellowship of the Demographic Resilience Programme in 2022 and received the DANS Small Data Projects Grant in 2020. Furthermore, she was Data Manager of the Generations and Gender Programme, Coordinator of the Harmonized Histories project, and Task Leader for the Social Sciences & Humanities Open Cloud project.


Family formation, transition to parenthood, unintended births, inequality, life course, cross-national patterns


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