Affiliated researchers University of Groningen / UMCG
- Prof. dr. R.J.M. (Rob) Alessie, Faculty of Economics and Business >>>
- Prof. dr. V. (Viola) Angelini, Faculty of Economics and Business >>>
- Prof. dr. S. (Sandra) Brouwer, University Medical Center Groningen >>>
- Prof. dr. U. (Ute) Bültmann, University Medical Center Groningen >>>
- Prof. dr. A.P. (Bram) Buunk, Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences >>>
- Prof. dr. J. (Jouke) van Dijk, Faculty of Spatial Sciences >>>
- Dr. Y.O. (Yuliya) Hilevich, Faculty of Arts >>>
- Prof. dr. L.B. (Louise) Meijering, Faculty of Spatial Sciences >>>
- Prof. dr. J.O. (Jochen) Mierau, Faculty of Economics and Business >>>
- Prof. dr. S.A. (Menno) Reijneveld, University Medical Center Groningen >>>
- Dr. N. (Nynke) Smidt, University Medical Center Groningen >>>
- Prof. dr. B.J.M. (Nardi) Steverink, Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences >>>
- Prof. dr. M.C. (Greetje) Timmerman, Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences >>>
Other affiliated researchers
- Dr. J.A.A. (Joop) de Beer >>>
- Drs. G.C.N. (Gijs) Beets, independent researcher
- Dr. M. (Marleen) Damman, Utrecht University >>>
- Dr. C. (Coen) van Duin, Statistics Netherlands >>>
- Prof. dr. C.H. (Cees) Elzinga, VU University >>>
- Prof. dr. R.I.A. (Ruben) van Gaalen, Statistics Netherlands/University of Amsterdam >>>
- Dr. N. (Nicole) Hiekel, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research >>>
- Prof. dr. J.J. (Joop) Schippers, Utrecht University >>>
- W.R.J. (Willem) Vermeulen, Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL) >>>
Current guest researchers
- Dr. V. (Vera) de Bel, University of Cologne >>>
- Dr. R. (Rafael) Costa, Belgian Federal Planning Bureau >>>
- Dr. B. (Bram) Hogendoorn, Statistics Netherlands >>>
- J.R. (Rafael) Navarro Rubiano >>>
- Dr. K. (Konrad) Turek, Tilburg University >>>
Previous guest researchers
- Prof. dr. M. (Martin) Kreidl, Masaryk University [2023]
- Dr. S.L. (Sie Long) Cheung, Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen [2022-23]
- Dr. I. (Isabelle) Hansson, University of Gothenburg [2021-22]
- Dr. M. (Monika) Mynarska, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University Warsaw [2022]
- Prof. dr. S.A. (Stuart) Gietel-Basten, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology [2022]
- Dr. A. (Agatha) Górny, Warsaw University [2021-22]
- Dr. K.L. (Kirsten) van Houdt, Stockholm University [2022]
- Dr. A. (Albert ) Sánchez-Gelabert, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona [2022]