Archives: Nieuws & events

University of Groningen and NIDI strengthen strategic collaboration

The University of Groningen and the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) have signed a renewed collaboration agreement for the Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI). Together, the University and the leading research institute aim to further build the national and international knowledge infrastructure on population issues.

7th GGP User Conference

The Generations & Gender Programme announces its 7th GGP User Conference. The conference will take place on 13-15 September at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics in Warsaw, Poland. The Generations & Gender Programme invites researchers working with data from the Generations and Gender Survey, the GGP Contextual Database, or the Harmonized Histories to present […]

Conference of the European Divorce Network

The 21st Conference of the European Divorce Network will take place in Utrecht on 12-13th October, 2023. The conference will be hosted by Utrecht University (UU) and the Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI-KNAW). It will take place on site to facilitate the exchange of ideas and the cohesion of the network. We invite all scholars […]

Population Association of America 2023 Annual Meeting

The 2023 Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America (PAA) will be held in New Orleans, Louisiana, 12-15 April 2023. The Population Association of America’s annual meeting is the premier conference of demographers and social and health scientists from the United States and abroad. Here demographers at all career stages are afforded the opportunity […]

GGP Newsletter March 2023

GGP Newsletter no. 86 is now available. Read up on insights from a COORDINATE project meeting in Dublin, Austria’s successful push-to-web GGS and updates from the GGP Hub: GGP March 2023.

GGP Newsletter February 2023

GGP Newsletter no. 85 is now available. Read up on who visited the GGP Central hub early 2023, where to catch up on the impact of incentives in the GGS and how to field your own innovative survey questions as part of the follow-up (wave 2) questionnaire: GGP February 2023.

GGP Newsletter December 2022 & January 2023

GGP Newsletter no. 84 is now available. Read up on steps taken towards a Pan-Balkan GGS, new harmonized histories for Estonia and the open call for abstracts for the 7th GGP user conference: GGP December 2022 & January 2023.

View NIDI’s highlights of 2022

A lot has happened at NIDI last year. Click the picture below and view the overview of NIDI’s highlights of 2022 in 85 seconds:

Horizon Europe project PREMIUM_EU awarded to research consortium coordinated by NIDI

A consortium headed by NIDI has obtained a large Horizon Europe Framework project, with the title: Policy REcommendations to Maximise the beneficial Impact of Unexplored Mobilities in and beyond the European Union: PREMIUM_EU. Key question of the project is How can European migration, between countries and within countries between regions, contribute to the development of […]

PhD defence Anushiya Vanajan

Wednesday 14 December 2022 Anushiya Vanajan successfully defended her thesis entitled ‘Older workers’ work limitations, vitality and retirement preferences: the differential effects of chronic health conditions‘. In the last decades, governments across the western world are increasing retirement ages and suspending early work exit routes to sustain their labour force. Resultantly, older workers are working […]

GGP Newsletter November 2022

GGP Newsletter no. 83 is now available. Read up on a Brazilian testimonial on visiting the GGP Central Hub, news about the upcoming GGP User Conference in Poland and fieldwork operations: GGP Newsletter November 2022.

Netspar grant for NIDI research on migrants and their pension

The knowledge network Netspar – Network for Studies on Pensions, Aging and Retirement – has awarded the project proposal of NIDI researchers Frank van Tubergen en Jelle Lössbroek for their research project “Migrants’ retirement preparation: risk factors, causes, solutions” with a grant of € 250,000.

GGP Newsletter October 2022

GGP Newsletter no. 82 is now available. Read about the kick-off of the GGP-5D project, a public debate on Population Ageing and Intergenerational Support in Moldova and updates from the GGP Central Hub: GGP Newsletter October 2022.

GGP Newsletter September 2022

GGP Newsletter no. 81 is now available. Read about the COORDINATE ‘Train the Trainer’ workshop, a new Danish entry to the Harmonized Histories dataset and a report of the latest GGP-connect webinar: GGP Newsletter September 2022.

PhD defence Olga Grünwald

Monday 26 September 2022 Olga Grünwald successfully defended her thesis entitled ‘Social engagement during the retirement transition: Insights into volunteering, caregiving, and grandparenting‘. Radical changes occurred in late-career work and retirement in the last decade. Next to increased retirement ages, employment beyond public pension age is becoming more common. This research investigates the implications of […]

PhD defence Maaike Hornstra

Friday 16 September 2022 Maaike Hornstra successfully defended her thesis entitled ‘Going beyond the dyad: Adult intergenerational closeness after divorce and remarriage‘. The research in this thesis was conducted as part of a larger project on Family Complexity funded by the European Research Council under the Horizon 2020 program [ERC grant agreement no. 669334]. The […]

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