Archives: Nieuws & events

PhD defence Damiano Uccheddu

Monday 28 March 2022 Damiano Uccheddu successfully defended his thesis entitled ‘Gender inequalities in health at older ages: A longitudinal and comparative investigation across European countries‘. Gender inequalities in health have been the topic of much research in the past decades, and reducing them is one of the main objectives of active and healthy ageing […]

Dutch Demography Day 2022

The Netherlands Demographic Society (NVD) invites you to join the 15th edition of the Dutch Demography Day on Wednesday 16 November 2022, in the Academy Building of Utrecht University (Domplein). At the conference, the most recent findings in the field of population studies will be presented, including family and fertility, migrants and migration, health, mortality […]

GGP Newsletter July & August 2022

GGP Newsletter no. 80 is now available. Read about video portraits from the Republic of Moldova, a fieldwork update from Buenos Aires and the second call for COORDINATE Transnational Access Visits: GGP Newsletter July & August2022.

GGP Newsletter June 2022

The Generations and Gender Programme (GGP) Newsletter no. 79 is now available. Read about the GGP’s presence at the European Population Conference 2022, a new data release by the Czech national team and updates from the Central Hub: GGP Newsletter June 2022.

Special European Population Conference issue of Demos, our bulletin on population and society

DEMOS, June 2022, Volume 38, Special Issue 6, on the occasion of the European Population Conference 2022 in Groningen, with articles on: Policy choices in an ageing society Although 2050 is still a long way off, we already know that in the next thirty years the number of older people in the Netherlands will increase […]

European Population Conference 2022

The European Population Conference 2022 is happening! Join us from 29 June – 2 July 2022. The European Association for Population Studies (EAPS) is happy to bring EPC to the beautiful and lively city of Groningen for the first time, organizing the conference in collaboration with the Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI-KNAW) and the University of Groningen. […]

GGP Newsletter May 2022

The Generations and Gender Programme (GGP) Newsletter no. 78 is now available. Read about newly released partnership and fertility histories, the nitty-gritty of GGS-II and a report on a regional webinar: GGP Newsletter May 2022.

GGP Newsletter April 2022

The Generations and Gender Programme (GGP) Newsletter no. 77 is now available. Read about an upcoming new call for user modules, Finland’s first reflections on fielding Generations and Gender Survey (GGS) and updates from the GGP Hub. Read more in the latest newsletter of the Generations and Gender Programme: GGP Newsletter April 2022.

PhD defence Gusta Wachter

Thursday 28 April 2022 Gusta Wachter successfully defend her thesis entitled ‘Partnering patterns: Diversity in union formation and dissolution among the children of immigrants‘. Many children of immigrants reached adulthood over the last years and found their first partner. So far, their union formation patterns have mainly been studied in comparison to majority populations or […]

GGP Newsletter March 2022

GGP Newsletter no. 76 is now available. Read about fieldwork updates, the first Latin-American GGS in Uruguay and exciting training opportunities within the COORDINATE project. Read more in the latest newsletter of the Generations and Gender Programme: GGP Newsletter March 2022.

Frans van Poppel receives ESHD Massimo Livi Bacci Award 2022

Frans van Poppel, Honorary Fellow of NIDI, has received the prestigious Massimo Livi Bacci Award 2022 from the European Society of Historical Demography (ESHD). The Massimo Livi Bacci Award has been established by the European Society of Historical Demography to recognize the life-time achievements of outstanding ESHD members. Frans van Poppel was senior researcher at […]

European Society of Historical Demography Conference 2022

The 4th Conference of the European Society of Historical Demography (ESHD2022) will take place in Madrid from 2 to 5 March 2022. The conference leading theme is: Human-environmental nexus in the past: understanding links between demographic variability, ecology and disease. Participants are encouraged to engage with and link across three different streams of historical social […]

GGP Newsletter February 2022

GGP Newsletter no. 75 is now available. Read about fieldwork updates, FReDA and the German GGS and findings from the SSHOC project. Read more in the latest newsletter of the Generations and Gender Programme: GGP Newsletter February 2022.

GGP Newsletter December 2021 / January 2022

GGP Newsletter no. 74 is now available. Read about the release of a new harmonized histories dataset, the French GGS pilot survey and the aim of a new ERC funded project using GGS data. Read more in the latest newsletter of the Generations and Gender Programme: GGP Newsletter December 2021 / January 2022.

In memoriam Nicole van der Gaag

Op 26 december kregen we het verdrietige nieuws dat onze NIDI-collega Nicole van der Gaag is overleden. Hoewel we wisten dat zij de strijd tegen haar ziekte niet meer kon winnen, raakt dit alle (oud-) NIDI-medewerkers. Het maakt ons diep bedroefd. Nicole was sinds 1993 werkzaam als onderzoeker bij het Nederlands Interdisciplinair Demografisch Instituut. Ze […]

NIDI collaboration with Moldovan partners for the first Generations and Gender Survey

Results from the first Generations and Gender Survey (GGS) in the Republic of Moldova were presented at a hybrid event on 8 December. The GGS is a survey coordinated at NIDI and which has been carried out in more than 30 countries. The Moldovan survey was made possible thanks to a collaboration between the Netherlands […]

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