Archives: Nieuws & events

Higher future life expectancy values in Europe than previously forecasted

Life expectancy, the average number of years people can expect to live, is an important summary measure of health. Forecasting how life expectancy will develop in the future is essential for public policy, social security, and healthcare planning. Most mortality forecasts, however, rely on a mechanical extrapolation of past mortality trends, which could easily result […]

GGP Newsletter June 2021

GGP Newsletter no. 69 is now available. Read about the ESFRI Roadmap 2021, a fieldwork update, and the 4th GGP Connect webinar. Read more in the latest newsletter of the Generations and Gender Programme: GGP Newsletter June 2021.

NIDI 50 • Generations and Gender Programme • VIDEO

NIDI is the host institute for the central hub of the Generations and Gender Programme (GGP). In this video, postdoctoral researcher Judith Koops presents her research in which she uses GGP data to examine the influence of parental education on union status at first birth in Europe and North-America. Also read about corresponding previous NIDI […]

NIDI 50 • Family policies in Europe • 1993

NIDI has been involved in surveys on the acceptance and effectiveness of population-related policies since 1983. During that decade, it also began a cooperation with the Institute for Research on Population and Social Policies in Rome. Joint research activities culminated in the European Comparative Study on the Acceptance of Population-related Policies, carried out in close […]

NIDI 50 • Family complexity • VIDEO

In this video, Maaike Hornstra, PhD researcher, presents her work in the Family complexity project which adds to NIDI’s longstanding tradition of research on family life and family relationships. The project is funded by a European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant (PI Matthijs Kalmijn).  Also read about corresponding previous NIDI research on the importance of […]

NIDI 50 • How important are parents? • 2013

Adolescents whose parents are highly educated plan their life events – like living with a partner and parenthood – much later than children whose parents have a lower level of education. This is partially due to differences in expectations that parents have for their children. Parental background influences the family life of children through transmission […]

NIDI 50 • Childhood internal mobility • VIDEO

Internal migration is an important factor explaining regional population changes as well as an important life event for individuals. Adding to NIDI’s longstanding tradition in studying these developments, the MYMOVE project focuses on internal mobility of children with different migrant backgrounds and non-migrants. In this video Joeke Kuyvenhoven, PhD researcher, presents her research within this […]

NIDI 50 • Regional growth and decline • 1997

A 1999 study concluded that population growth in the European Union has slowed considerably over the foregoing years and future growth will probably be no faster than it was in the past. It was expected that in the first quarter of the 21st century, the population of most countries would continue to increase. At the […]

NIDI 50 • Flexible employment among younger workers • VIDEO

Structural developments in the labour market have an impact on the life course of individuals. In this video, Lin Rouvroye, PhD researcher, presents her work on flexible employment among younger workers which adds to NIDI’s longstanding tradition of studying working lives. This project is funded by the KNAW’s Research Fund (Onderzoeksfonds). Also read about corresponding […]

NIDI 50 • Changes in life courses • 2000

Men and women born in the early twentieth century married late. The age at which half of the men married was around 28.5 years, and for women it was almost 27 years. Many men and women did not get married at all; about 20 per cent were still single at the age of 35. This […]

GGP Newsletter May 2021

GGP Newsletter no. 68 is now available! Read about a fieldwork update, the 3rd GGP Connect webinar and a new book launch. Read more in the latest newsletter of the Generations and Gender Programme: GGP Newsletter May 2021.

NIDI 50 • Life courses of children of immigrants • VIDEO

NIDI has a long tradition in studying union and family formation. In this video Gusta Wachter explains how she expands this research to the children of immigrants in her PhD project. The project is funded by the KNAW’s Research Fund (Onderzoeksfonds). Also read about corresponding previous NIDI research on integration of the second generation   […]

NIDI 50 • Integration of the second generation • 2008

“In the short term, we may not yet expect newspaper reports that Ajax supporters of Turkish descent have come to blows with Feyenoord supporters of Turkish descent. But we should not exclude it as a future possibility.” This statement was published as part of the survey results of The Integration of the European Second Generation. […]

NIDI 50 • Postponement of childbearing • VIDEO

People are becoming parents at increasingly older ages. In 2019, Dutch women for the first time ever were 30 years old on average when becoming mothers. In this video, Daniël van Wijk, PhD researcher, talks about the reasons behind this postponement of childbearing. This is part of a research project on the links between employment insecurity and family formation […]

NIDI 50 • A rapid decline in the birth rate • 1975

Between the end of February and the beginning of May 1975, researchers from NIDI surveyed 5,000 married women across 188 municipalities in the Netherlands for the National Research on Fertility and Parenting Motivation. The aim of this comprehensive survey was to gain insight into the rapid decline in marital fertility that had happened in the […]

NIDI 50 • Emigration of the second generation • VIDEO

In this video, Petra de Jong, postdoctoral researcher, presents her work on the emigration of the second generation, a new research line that links to previous NIDI research on emigration from the Netherlands. The project is funded by the KNAW’s Research Fund (Onderzoeksfonds). Also read about corresponding previous NIDI research on emigration intentions   In […]

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