Archives: Nieuws & events

NIDI 50 • Dutch emigrants seeking the good life • 2005

For the first time since the 1950s, the Netherlands experienced a long-term wave of emigration at the start of the 21st century. NIDI research among a group of potential emigrants showed that the Dutch who intend to leave are mainly looking for more space, nature, and friendly people: the good life that they cannot find […]

GGP Newsletter April 2021

GGP Newsletter no. 67 is now available! Find a Call for Papers for the 6th GGP User Conference and read about the 2nd GGP Connect webinar and the new data release in Moldova. Read more in the latest newsletter of the Generations and Gender Programme: GGP Newsletter April 2021.

NIDI 50 • Union dissolution • VIDEO

In this video, Willem Vermeulen, PhD researcher, presents his work on union dissolution which links directly to NIDI’s longstanding tradition of research on the second demographic transition. The project is funded by the Netherlands Organisation of Scientific Research (NWO). Also read about corresponding previous NIDI research on the second demographic transition   In 2020 we […]

GGP Newsletter March 2021

GGP Newsletter no. 66 is now available! Find a summary of the 1st GGP Connect webinar and read about the new questions added to the GGS Baseline Questionnaire. Read more in the latest newsletter of the Generations and Gender Programme: GGP Newsletter March 2021.

NIDI 50 • The Second Demographic Transition • 1986

The (first) demographic transition of a nation, considered the ‘bread and butter’ for all demographers, describes in a stylized way the historical shift in a country’s demographic development. Starting from a situation with relatively stable population growth where traditionally high mortality is balanced by traditionally high fertility, mortality begins to decline first due to modernization […]

GGP Newsletter February 2021

GGP Newsletter no. 65 is now available! Find the latest updates of the fieldwork in Moldova and read about two new technical papers. Read more in the latest newsletter of the Generations and Gender Programme: GGP Newsletter February 2021.

NIDI 50 • Future longevity inequalities • VIDEO

In this video, Wanda van Hemelrijck, postdoctoral researcher, presents her work in the Future longevity inequalities project which adds to NIDI’s longstanding tradition of research on life expectancy and mortality forecasting. The project is funded by a VICI Grant (PI Fanny Janssen) by the Netherlands Organisation of Scientific Research (NWO).  Also read about the corresponding […]

NIDI 50 • Obesity and life expectancy in Europe • 2020

The obesity epidemic in Europe is increasingly affecting the health of individuals and the life expectancy levels within countries. According to an extensive comparative study in 26 European countries, without obesity, the life expectancy in Europe would be, on average, one year higher. The United States of America is known as the country with the […]

Prof. Frank van Tubergen affiliated with NIDI

NIDI is very pleased to announce that as of 1 March Prof. dr. Frank van Tubergen will be affiliated with the institute one day a week while remaining his main affiliation with Utrecht University​. Van Tubergen is an internationally renowned scholar in the broad field of migration and integration studies and has an impressive publication record in […]

GGP Newsletter January 2021

GGP Newsletter no. 64 is now available. Find the latest updates of the fieldwork and read about a new internship position and an addition to our team. Read more in the latest newsletter of the Generations and Gender Programme: GGP Newsletter January 2021.

PhD defence Christoph Bein

Monday 25 January 2021 Christoph Bein successfully defended his thesis entitled ‘Religiosity and reproductive decisions in Europe‘. Religiosity has strongly declined in Europe since the 1960s. This is part of a broader trend towards secularization and individualization. We know from prior studies that religiosity still continues to be an important determinant of fertility. Yet, the […]

GGP Newsletter November 2020

GGP Newsletter no. 63 is now available. Find the latest updates of the fieldwork and read about the new GGS Baseline Questionnaire. Read more in the latest newsletter of the Generations and Gender Programme: GGP Newsletter November 2020.

Phd defence Sapphire Yu Han

Friday 20 November 2020 Sapphire Yu Han successfully defended het PhD thesis entitled ‘Latent state models for classifying and explaining processes in young adults’ life courses‘. Individual life courses are almost as diverse as individuals themselves. No two individuals have the same life course, although most life courses contain the same important events, such as […]

GGP Newsletter October 2020

GGP Newsletter no. 62 is now available! Find the latest updates of the fieldwork and read about a new vacancy in the GGP team. Read more in the latest newsletter of the Generations and Gender Programme: GGP Newsletter October 2020.

Helga de Valk new director of NIDI

Helga de Valk will be the new director of NIDI as of 1 November 2020. The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) has selected her to succeed Leo van Wissen. Helga de Valk is theme group leader Migration and Migrants at NIDI since 2014, as well as professor Migration and the life course […]

PhD defence Maria Eismann

Tuesday 27 October 2020 Maria Eismann successfully defended her thesis entitled ‘Deciding Together? Spousal Influence on the Retirement Process‘. Over the last decades, population aging has sparked growing societal and scientific interest in retirement-related topics. In addition to this, the rising number of older women in the labour market have attracted attention to the specific […]

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