Archives: Nieuws & events

PhD defence Ilya Kashnitsky

Thursday 15 October 2020 Ilya Kashnitsky successfully defended his thesis entitled ‘Changing regional inequalities in ageing across Europe‘. This thesis explores the role of demographic change in the evolution of inequalities in population age structures across regions of Europe. It strives to increase our understanding of the demographic processes that shape regional population age structures, […]

GGP Newsletter September 2020

GGP Newsletter no. 61 is now available! Find the latest updates of the fieldwork in Moldova and the Harmonized Histories Canada and read about two new working papers. Read more in the latest newsletter of the Generations and Gender Programme: GGP Newsletter September 2020.

GGP Newsletter Summer 2020

GGP Newsletter no. 60 is now available. Find the latest updates of the fieldwork and read about the new team members. Other items feature Jan Hoem – one of the founders of the GGP. Read more in the latest newsletter of the Generations and Gender Programme: GGP Newsletter Summer 2020.

GGP Newsletter June 2020

GGP Newsletter no. 59 is now available! Find the latest updates of Council Meeting and read about the Call for Marie-Curie Individual Fellowship. Other items feature Lars Østby – one of the founders of the GGP. Read more in the latest newsletter of the Generations and Gender Programme: GGP Newsletter June 2020.

GGP Newsletter May 2020

GGP Newsletter no. 58 is now available! Find the latest updates of Fieldwork and read about the Call for proposals for transnational collaboration. Other items feature John Hobcraft – one of the founders of the GGP and information about the GGP Council Meeting. Read more in the latest newsletter of the Generations and Gender Programme: GGP Newsletter May […]

Frans Willekens Receives 2020 PAA Mindel C. Sheps Award

Frans Willekens, honorary fellow and former director of NIDI, has received the prestigious 2020 Mindel C. Sheps Award from the Population Association of America (PAA). Jointly sponsored by PAA and the University of North Carolina School of Public Health, this award is given biennially for outstanding contributions to mathematical demography or demographic methodology. Frans Willekens […]

PhD defense Judith Koops

Monday 25 May 2020 Judith Koops defended her thesis entitled ‘Understanding nonmarital childbearing: the role of socio-economic background and ethnicity in Europe and North-America‘. For more information see the University of Groningen website.

Demography and the coronavirus pandemic

Read this demographic reflection on the corona crisis written by NIDI researcher and theme leader Helga de Valk and other leading demographic researchers in Europe: Nicoletta Balbo, Ilya Kashnitsky, Alessia Melegaro, France Meslé, Melinda C. Mills, Helga de Valk & Daniela Vono de Vilhena, Demography and the Coronavirus Pandemic, Population Europe, Population and Policy Brief […]

GGP Newsletter April 2020

GGP Newsletter no. 57 is now available! Find the latest updates of the secured funding in Czechia, Finland, and the Netherlands and read about the new member of the Central Coordination Team. Other items feature Jenny Gierveld – one of the founders of the GGP and information about the GGP Council Meeting. Read more in […]

GGP Newsletter March 2020

GGP Newsletter no. 56 is now available! Find the latest updates of the Harmonized Histories dataset and read how you can help us with the hunt for fertility data. Other items feature Patrick Festy – one of the founders of the GGP and information about the first meeting of the GGP Ethics Board. Read more in […]

GGP Newsletter February 2020

GGP Newsletter no. 55 is now available! Read about funding for the GGS in Norway and Miroslav Macura – one of the founders of the GGP. Other items include information on a workshop in Paris with a session devoted to the GGP, a call for abstracts for the Congress of the Latin American Population Association, […]

Prestigious Vici grant for Fanny Janssen

Prof. dr. Fanny Janssen, researcher at NIDI and Associate Professor of Demography at the Faculty of Spatial Sciences of the University of Groningen, has been awarded a Vici grant of EUR 1.5 million as part of the Innovational Research Incentives Scheme (‘Vernieuwingsimpuls’) of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) to be spent on five […]

GGP Newsletter January 2020

GGP Newsletter no. 54 is now available! Read about the kick-off for the research project FReDA and the inclusion of the Polish infrastructure into the national roadmap. Also read about the 20th anniversary of the GGP. Other items include a call to report GGP publications, an update on the GGS2020 fieldwork and new user syntax […]

New NIDI website online

NIDI celebrates its 50 year jubilee this year! A good time to look back and also to get ready for the next 50 years. That’s why we start this decade with a brand new logo and website. Both logo and website have been designed and developed by Parkers.

European Population Conference 2020 CANCELLED

The next European Population Conference to be held in Padua in Italy from June 24-27, is cancelled due to the COVID-19 disease outbreak. For more information see the EAPS website. EPC 2020 will be a full scale EAPS general population conference organized by the European Association for Population Studies (EAPS) in collaboration with the Department […]

PhD defense Anne Brons

Thursday 6 February 2020 Anne Brons defended her thesis entitled ‘Family background and union formation and dissolution processes: A cross-national perspective‘. For more information see the VU University Amsterdam website.

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