Archives: Nieuws & events
Prof. Frank van Tubergen affiliated with NIDI
NIDI is very pleased to announce that as of 1 March Prof. dr. Frank van Tubergen will be affiliated with the institute one day a week while remaining his main affiliation with Utrecht University. Van Tubergen is an internationally renowned scholar in the broad field of migration and integration studies and has an impressive publication record in […]
GGP Newsletter January 2021
GGP Newsletter no. 64 is now available. Find the latest updates of the fieldwork and read about a new internship position and an addition to our team. Read more in the latest newsletter of the Generations and Gender Programme: GGP Newsletter January 2021.
PhD defence Christoph Bein
Monday 25 January 2021 Christoph Bein successfully defended his thesis entitled ‘Religiosity and reproductive decisions in Europe‘. Religiosity has strongly declined in Europe since the 1960s. This is part of a broader trend towards secularization and individualization. We know from prior studies that religiosity still continues to be an important determinant of fertility. Yet, the […]
GGP Newsletter November 2020
GGP Newsletter no. 63 is now available. Find the latest updates of the fieldwork and read about the new GGS Baseline Questionnaire. Read more in the latest newsletter of the Generations and Gender Programme: GGP Newsletter November 2020.
Phd defence Sapphire Yu Han
Friday 20 November 2020 Sapphire Yu Han successfully defended het PhD thesis entitled ‘Latent state models for classifying and explaining processes in young adults’ life courses‘. Individual life courses are almost as diverse as individuals themselves. No two individuals have the same life course, although most life courses contain the same important events, such as […]
GGP Newsletter October 2020
GGP Newsletter no. 62 is now available! Find the latest updates of the fieldwork and read about a new vacancy in the GGP team. Read more in the latest newsletter of the Generations and Gender Programme: GGP Newsletter October 2020.
Helga de Valk new director of NIDI
Helga de Valk will be the new director of NIDI as of 1 November 2020. The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) has selected her to succeed Leo van Wissen. Helga de Valk is theme group leader Migration and Migrants at NIDI since 2014, as well as professor Migration and the life course […]
PhD defence Maria Eismann
Tuesday 27 October 2020 Maria Eismann successfully defended her thesis entitled ‘Deciding Together? Spousal Influence on the Retirement Process‘. Over the last decades, population aging has sparked growing societal and scientific interest in retirement-related topics. In addition to this, the rising number of older women in the labour market have attracted attention to the specific […]
PhD defence Ilya Kashnitsky
Thursday 15 October 2020 Ilya Kashnitsky successfully defended his thesis entitled ‘Changing regional inequalities in ageing across Europe‘. This thesis explores the role of demographic change in the evolution of inequalities in population age structures across regions of Europe. It strives to increase our understanding of the demographic processes that shape regional population age structures, […]
GGP Newsletter September 2020
GGP Newsletter no. 61 is now available! Find the latest updates of the fieldwork in Moldova and the Harmonized Histories Canada and read about two new working papers. Read more in the latest newsletter of the Generations and Gender Programme: GGP Newsletter September 2020.
GGP Newsletter Summer 2020
GGP Newsletter no. 60 is now available. Find the latest updates of the fieldwork and read about the new team members. Other items feature Jan Hoem – one of the founders of the GGP. Read more in the latest newsletter of the Generations and Gender Programme: GGP Newsletter Summer 2020.
GGP Newsletter June 2020
GGP Newsletter no. 59 is now available! Find the latest updates of Council Meeting and read about the Call for Marie-Curie Individual Fellowship. Other items feature Lars Østby – one of the founders of the GGP. Read more in the latest newsletter of the Generations and Gender Programme: GGP Newsletter June 2020.
GGP Newsletter May 2020
GGP Newsletter no. 58 is now available! Find the latest updates of Fieldwork and read about the Call for proposals for transnational collaboration. Other items feature John Hobcraft – one of the founders of the GGP and information about the GGP Council Meeting. Read more in the latest newsletter of the Generations and Gender Programme: GGP Newsletter May […]
Frans Willekens Receives 2020 PAA Mindel C. Sheps Award
Frans Willekens, honorary fellow and former director of NIDI, has received the prestigious 2020 Mindel C. Sheps Award from the Population Association of America (PAA). Jointly sponsored by PAA and the University of North Carolina School of Public Health, this award is given biennially for outstanding contributions to mathematical demography or demographic methodology. Frans Willekens […]
PhD defense Judith Koops
Monday 25 May 2020 Judith Koops defended her thesis entitled ‘Understanding nonmarital childbearing: the role of socio-economic background and ethnicity in Europe and North-America‘. For more information see the University of Groningen website.
Demography and the coronavirus pandemic
Read this demographic reflection on the corona crisis written by NIDI researcher and theme leader Helga de Valk and other leading demographic researchers in Europe: Nicoletta Balbo, Ilya Kashnitsky, Alessia Melegaro, France Meslé, Melinda C. Mills, Helga de Valk & Daniela Vono de Vilhena, Demography and the Coronavirus Pandemic, Population Europe, Population and Policy Brief […]