From left to right: Johan Woltjer (dean Faculty of Spatial Sciences UG), Helga de Valk (director NIDI), Brenda Penninx (vice president KNAW - digitally present), Cisca Wijmenga (rector magnificus UG), Aat Liefbroer (NIDI and UG) and Kène Henkens (NIDI and UG-UMCG).

University of Groningen and NIDI strengthen strategic collaboration

30 June 2023

The University of Groningen and the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) have signed a renewed collaboration agreement for the Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI). Together, the University and the leading research institute aim to further build the national and international knowledge infrastructure on population issues.

‘We are taking great pride in the collaboration with the NIDI. It is our joint ambition to continue to enrich the knowledge landscape,’ says Rector Magnificus Cisca Wijmena. ‘You only have to open the newspaper, attend a European Parliament meeting, or have discussions at the kitchen table to notice that demography and the NIDI’s field of work are incredibly relevant and topical.’

NIDI is the national demographic institute of the Netherlands, bringing together research on topics such as migration and integration, labour market and social security, and an ageing population and family relations. Its research is characterized by an interdisciplinary approach and an international orientation.

Wijmenga: ‘In this collaboration, we see great opportunities for the interaction between population issues and the major societal transition issues on which the University of Groningen also focuses: sustainable society, more healthy years, and energy. 
Helga de Valk (director NIDI) and Cisca Wijmenga (rector magnificus University of Groningen)

Since population issues run through all these challenges, the partnership with the NIDI offers excellent opportunities for new research and innovation in these areas. After all, Groningen has been working closely with the Faculties of Spatial Sciences, Behavioural and Social Sciences, and the UMCG for years. A striking example of this is the large population study Lifelines, in which as many as 10% of the people in the Northern Netherlands participate. In addition, we will intensify the connection between the NIDI and our Schools for Science and Society in the coming period.’

Source: University of Groningen, 30 June 2023.

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