Prestigious Vici grant for Fanny Janssen

20 February 2020

Prof. dr. Fanny Janssen, researcher at NIDI and Associate Professor of Demography at the Faculty of Spatial Sciences of the University of Groningen, has been awarded a Vici grant of EUR 1.5 million as part of the Innovational Research Incentives Scheme (‘Vernieuwingsimpuls’) of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) to be spent on five years of research on her research proposal on forecasting future socio-economic inequalities in longevity: the impact of lifestyle ‘epidemics’.

The Vici grant targets highly experienced researchers who have successfully demonstrated the ability to develop their own innovative lines of research, and to act as coaches for young researchers.

About the research

Socio-economic inequalities in mortality are a persistent challenge for society, but how they will, realistically, further develop is unknown. This project of Fanny Janssen will develop an advanced forecasting model for mortality inequalities based on to-be-generated insights into the impact of smoking, obesity, and alcohol, and assesses the potential effect of policy interventions.

Information: Fanny Janssen, 070-3565242,

Press release NWO, 20 February 2020: 32 scientists to receive NWO Vici grants worth 1.5 million euros

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