As of April 2024 no longer employed at NIDI.
Dr. A.J. (Arieke) Rijken
- Gauthier, A.H., Kong, S., Grünwald, O., Bujard, M., Caporali, A., Deimantas, V.J., Emery, T., Jablonski, W., Koops, J., Rijken, A., Schumann, A. (2023), Data Brief: The Generations and Gender Survey second round (GGS-II). GGP Technical Paper Series, 16 p.
- Bezouw, M.J. van, Toorn, J. van der, Honari, A., Rijken, A.J. (2021), Antecedents and consequences of system justification among Iranian migrants in Western Europe. Journal of Social and Political Psychology 9 (2): 637-653.
- Rojon, S., Rijken, A.J. (2021), Referendums: increasingly unpopular among the ‘winners’ of modernization? Comparing public support for the use of referendums in Switzerland, the Netherlands, the UK, and Hungary. Comparative European Politics 19 (1): 49-76.
- Huijsmans, T., Rijken, A.J., Gaidyte, T. (2020), The income gap in voting: Moderating effects of income inequality and clientelism. Political Behavior.
- Rojon, S., Rijken, A.J. (2020), Are radical right and radical left voters direct democrats? Explaining differences in referendum support between radical and moderate voters in Europe. European Societies 22 (5): 581-609.
- Bezouw, M.J. van, Závecz, G., Penna, C., Rijken, A.J., Klandermans, P.G., Uluğ, Ö.M. (2019), Social psychological explanations of political inaction: Citizens’ perspectives in Brazil, Hungary, and the Netherlands. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy 19 (1): 381-406.
- Gerwen, N. van, Blokland, A., Rijken, A.J. (2019), Assessing the accuracy of Life Event Calendar data in an offender sample. Justice Quarterly 36 (3): 532-566.
- Liefbroer, A.C., Rijken, A.J. (2019), Hoe geloof ons denken over het huwelijk beïnvloedt. Demos: bulletin over bevolking en samenleving 35 (8): 1-4.
- Liefbroer, A.C., Rijken, A.J. (2019), The Association Between Christianity and Marriage Attitudes in Europe. Does Religious Context Matter? European Sociological Review 35 (3): 363–379.
- Rojon, S., Rijken, A. J., Klandermans, B. (2019), A survey experiment on citizens’ preferences for ‘vote-centric’ vs. ‘talk-centric’ democratic innovations with advisory vs. binding outcomes. Politics and Governance 7 (2): 213-226.
- Rijken, A.J., Liefbroer, A.C. (2016), Differences in family norms for men and women across Europe. Journal of Marriage and Family 78 (4): 1097-1113.
- Rijken, A.J., Merz, E.-M. (2014), Double standards: Differences in norms on voluntary childlessness for men and women. European Sociological Review 30 (4): 470-482.
- Rijken, A.J., Liefbroer, A.C. (2012), European views of divorce among parents of young children: understanding cross-national variation. Demographic Research 27 (2): 25-53.
- Rijken, A.J., Liefbroer, A.C. (2011), Opvattingen over gezinsvorming. Gezinsrapport 2011: een portret van het gezinsleven in Nederland. (Ed.) F. Bucx. Den Haag: Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau (SCP), 2011. pp. 62-78.
- Rijken, A.J., Thomson, E. (2011), Partners' relationship quality and childbearing. Social Science Research 40 (2): 485-497.
- Rijken, A.J. (2010), Aard familierelaties tijdens jeugd beïnvloedt krijgen van kinderen. Demos: bulletin over bevolking en samenleving 26 (3): 12-13.
- Rijken, A.J. (2009),Happy families, high fertility? childbearing choices in the context of family and partner relationships. Doctoral dissertation. Utrecht: Utrecht University
- Rijken, A.J., Knijn, T.C.M. (2009), Couples' decisions to have a first child: comparing pathways to early and late parenthood. Demographic Research 21 (26): 765-802.
- Rijken, A.J., Liefbroer, A.C. (2009), Influences of the family of origin on the timing and quantum of fertility in the Netherlands. Population Studies 63 (1): 71-85.
- Rijken, A.J., Liefbroer, A.C. (2009), The influence of partner relationship quality on fertility. European Journal of Population 25 (1): 27-44.
- Rijken, A.J. (2008), Partners praten weinig over de keuze voor een eerste kind. Demos: bulletin over bevolking en samenleving 24 (5): 15-16.
- Rijken, A.J., Knijn, T.C.M. (2008), Explaining Dutch fertility rates in a comparative European perspective. European Societies 10 (5): 763-786.