We publish our research findings in national and international journals, books, and reports. We also have our own journal, DEMOS (in Dutch), through which researchers from NIDI as well as external researchers inform a broad audience about their research.
- Savaş, E.B., Henkens, K., Kalmijn, M. (2025), Trouble in paradise? Emotional and social loneliness among international retirement migrants. Psychology and Aging.
- Berg, L. van den (2025), Flexibele arbeidsrelaties verminderen welzijn van jongvolwassenen. Demos: bulletin over bevolking en samenleving 41 (2): 5-7.
- Bijwaard, G.E., Barclay, K.J. (2025), Pathways from education to mortality, mediated through income. Health Economics 34 (1): 18-44.
- Bosma, J.J.A., Henkens, K., Solinge, H. van (2025), The differential impact of retirement on contact frequency with family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B: gbaf042.
- Cunningham, S.A., Vandenheede, H., Jones, R. (2025), Contexts of reception and refugee health: Experiences of foreign-born people in the United States and Belgium. Journal of Migration and Health 11: 100288.
- Dalen, H.P. van, Henkens, K. (2025), De opkomst van thuiswerken als privilege. Demos: bulletin over bevolking en samenleving 41 (1): 1-4.
- Dalen, H.P. van, Henkens, K. (2025), Deelnemers hebben in een pensioenfondsreferendum voorkeur voor het 'ingroeien' van pensioenrechten. Me Judice (21-1-2025).
- Dalen, H.P. van, Henkens, K. (2025), Invaren of ingroeien in het nieuwe pensioenstelsel? Voorkeuren van pensioendeelnemers in een referendum. Netspar Industry paper 2025-03. Tilburg: Netspar, 36 p.
- Gómez Ugarte Valerio, A.C., Basellini, U., Camarda, C.G., Janssen, F., Zagheni, E. (2025), Reassessing socioeconomic inequalities in mortality via distributional similarities. Population Health Metrics 23 (7).
- Janssen, F., Gonzales Martinez, R., Zengarini, N., Martikainen, P., Kunst, A.E. (2025), Trends in educational inequalities in obesity-attributable mortality in England and Wales, Finland, and Italy. Obesity 33 (3): 578-588.
- Jensen, K., Rouvroye, L., Eiteljoerge, S., Lieven, E., Fe, E., Pouscoulous, N. (2025), Give some, keep some, put some: The language of sharing in children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 249: 106066.
- Kuyvenhoven, J., Haandrikman, K. (2025), Childhood residential and neighbourhood mobility: Consequences for educational attainment in young adulthood. Advances in Life Course Research.
- Leerkes, A.S., Fokkema, T., Bening, J., Bezemer, W.E. (2025), Community multiculturalism and self-reported immigrant crime: Testing three theoretical mechanisms. European Journal of Criminology.
- Leeuw, S.G. de, Hornstra, M., Kalmijn, M. (2025), Relationships among adult full, half, and stepsiblings: Does coresidence explain the stepgap? Journal of Marriage and Family 87 (1): 201-218.
- Liefbroer, A.C. (2025), De kwetsbaarheid van single-zijn als anderen een gezin stichten. Demos: bulletin over bevolking en samenleving 41 (2): 1-4.
- Moberg, Y., Vleuten, M. van der (2025), Splitting the penalty by taking turns? Same-sex mothers' earnings losses in Norway. Journal of Marriage and Family: 1-25.
- Samper-Ternent, R., Zazueta-Borboa, J.D., Michaels-Obregon, A., Reyes-Dumeyer, D., Barral, S., Tosto, G., Wong, R. (2025), Mexican Health and Aging Study biomarker and genetic data profile. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A 80 (1): glae270.
- Solinge, H. van, Henkens, K., Ekerdt, D.J. (2025), Gepensioneerden en de norm om bezig te blijven. Demos: bulletin over bevolking en samenleving 41 (1): 5-7.
- Solinge, H. van, Mandemakers, J.J. (2025), Inmiddels hebben meer dan 1 miljoen Nederlandsers een LAT-relatie. Is dit een keuze, of noodzaak? Me Judice (24-2-2025).
- Tubergen, F. van, Kros, M. (2025), Determinants of ethnic harassment among first- and second-generation immigrants in Europe. European Sociological Review 41 (1): 38-51.
- Veldman, K., Henkens, K., Lössbroek, J.J.H., Tubergen, F. van (2025), What explains the migrant pension penalty? A systematic review and comprehensive model. Work, Aging and Retirement: waaf002.
Vermeulen, W.R.J. (2025),Separation risks of married and cohabiting couples: How important is the social context? Doctoral dissertation. Groningen: University of Groningen, 222 p.
- Wijk, D.C. van (2025), Veel jongvolwassenen worstelen met eisen ouderschap. Demos: bulletin over bevolking en samenleving 41 (2): 8.
- Wijk, D.C. van, Valk, H.A.G. de, Liefbroer, A.C. (2025), Who becomes a parent while jobless? On the importance of limited opportunities and the normalization of disadvantage. European Sociological Review: jcae052.
- Wuestenenk, N., Nijs, T., Stark, T.H., Tubergen, F. van, Ellemers, N. (2025), The interplay of misperceptions and willingness to share opinions in full classroom networks: The case of opinions towards homosexuality. Social Networks 80: 25-35.
- Wuestenenk, N., Tubergen, F. van, Stark, T.H. (2025), The influence of group membership on online expressions and polarization on a discussion platform: An experimental study. New Media & Society 27 (1): 225-245.
- Wuestenenk, N., Tubergen, F. van, Stark, T.H., Ellemers, N. (2025), How do personal opinions relate to online expressions? An experimental study among Muslim minority groups in the Netherlands. Communication Research 52 (1): 3-31.
- Anastasiadou, A., Kim, J., Sanlitürk, A.E., Valk, H.A.G. de, Zagheni, E. (2024), Gender differences in the migration process: A narrative literature review. Population and Development Review 50 (4): 961-996.
- Badolato, L., Billari, F.C., Liefbroer, A.C. (2024), Stratified fertility: Age norms, ideals, behaviors, and the role of national contexts. European Journal of Population 40 (36).
- Bel, V. de, Duijn, M.A.J. van (2024), Collecting multi-actor family network data. Research Data Journal for the Humanities and Social Sciences 9 (1).
- Bel, V. de, Widmer, E.D. (2024), Positive, negative, and ambivalent dyads and triads with family and friends: A personal network study on how they are associated with young adults’ well-being. Social Networks 78: 184-202.
- Berg, L. van den (2024), Ongelijkheid in vast contract onder jongvolwassenen. Demos: bulletin over bevolking en samenleving 40 (1): 8.
- Berg, L. van den, Hogendoorn, B. (2024), Lager sociaaleconomisch milieu: jongvolwassenen minder vaak vast werk. Sociale Vraagstukken (3-10-2024).
- Berg, L. van den, Verbakel, E. (2024), The link between singlehood in young adulthood and effects of romantic separation. Journal of Marriage and Family 86 (2): 350-368.
- Bijwaard, G.E., Jones, A.M. (2024), Regression discontinuity design with principal stratification in the mixed proportional hazard model: an application to the long-run impact of education on longevity. Empirical Economics 67 (1): 197-223.
- Bosma, J.J.A. (2024), Medische beslissingen rond het levenseinde [Gerongrafiek]. Gerōn: tijdschrift over ouder worden en samenleving 26 (3).
- Bosma, J.J.A. (2024), Meer mensen met gehoorproblemen [Gerongrafiek]. Gerōn: tijdschrift over ouder worden en samenleving 26 (2).
- Bruggeman, F., Dalen, H.P. van (2024), De schaarse mantelzorger. Demos: bulletin over bevolking en samenleving 40 (7): 8.
- Conkova, N., Fokkema, T., Tilburg, T.G. van (2024), Subjective well-being of older migrants in the Netherlands: A conceptual and methodological discussion. International Migration 62 (1): 54-67.
- Conti, G., Poupakis, S., Ekamper, P., Bijwaard, G.E., Lumey, L.H. (2024), Severe prenatal shocks and adolescent health: Evidence from the Dutch Hunger Winter. Economics and Human Biology 53: 101372.
- Cunningham, S.A., Woody, M. (2024), Country of birth, country of residence and multimorbidity. Economy and Sociology (2): 26-37.
- Dalen, H.P. van (2024), Getting a grip on immigration: the citizens’ view. Demos: bulletin on population and society 40 (5): 8.
- Dalen, H.P. van (2024), Zorg over bevolkingsgroei is vooral zorg over immigratie. Demos: bulletin over bevolking en samenleving 40 (7): 5-7.
- Dalen, H.P. van, Henkens, K. (2024), De grijze vlek in het aanvullend pensioen: een vertrouwenscrisis in wording? Tijdschrift voor Pensioenvraagstukken 17 (3): 5-11.
- Dalen, H.P. van, Henkens, K. (2024), Wie vermijdt pensioeninformatie? Het belang van financiële vaardigheden, vertrouwen en pensioenzorgen. Netspar Design Paper 252. Tilburg: Netspar, 37 p.
- Dalen, H.P. van, Henkens, K. (2024), Wie vertrouwt de overstap naar het nieuwe pensioenstelsel? Me Judice (6-5-2024).
- Dalen, H.P. van, Vuuren, D. van (2024), Sturen op migratie vereist langetermijnvisie. Economisch Statistische Berichten 109 (4831): 104-106.
- Deimantas, V.J., Şanlıtürk, A.E., Azzollini, L., Köksal, S. (2024), Population dynamics and policies in Europe: Analysis of population resilience at the subnational and national levels. Population Research and Policy Review 43 (27).
- Eismann, M., Wijk, D.C. van, Liefbroer, A.C. (2024), Europeans are united on climate change. Demos: bulletin on population and society 40 (5): 4.
- Ekamper, P. (2024), Bevolking Caribisch Nederland 2050 in beeld: opleiding, arbeid, gezondheid en wonen. Den Haag: NIDI, 41 p.
- Ekamper, P., Poppel, F.W.A. van (2024), Veranderingen in het geboorteseizoen in de afgelopen twee eeuwen: van Nicolaas Struyck tot Haandrikman en Van Wissen. In: Henkens, K., Solinge, H. van (eds.), Leo van Wissen: veelzijdig demograaf. Liber Amicorum, p. 69-74.
- Elmer, E.M.,Tilburg, T.G. van, Fokkema, T. (2024), Age and gender identity in the relationship between minority stress and loneliness: A global sample of sexual and gender minority adults. The Journal of Sex Research.
- Erdal, M.B., Valk, H.A.G. de; Wahba, J., Bijak, J. (2024), Migration drivers across time and space: selected examples. In: Bijak, J. (ed.), From uncertainty to policy: A guide to migration scenarios. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, p. 39-52.
- Fokkema, T. (2024), Unveiling the missing pieces: Addressing research gaps in tackling loneliness among older migrants. International Migration 62 (4): 291-295.
- Frentz-Göllnitz, M., Remund, A., Harmsen, C., Stoeldraijer, L., Toorn, J. van der, Doblhammer, G., Janssen, F. (2024), Contributions of causes of death to differentials in life expectancy by internal migrant status in the Netherlands: A population register based study, 2015-2019. SSM - Population Health 27: 101690.
- Gauthier, A.H., Gietel-Basten, S. (2024), Family policies in low fertility countries: Evidence and reflections. Population and Development Review.
- Gillespie, B.J., Fokkema, T. (2024), Life events, social conditions and residential mobility among older adults. Population, Space and Place 30 (3): e2706.
- Girardin, M., Widmer, E., Ganjour, O., Zufferey, M.-E., Bel, V. de, Huri, S., Tettamanti, M. (2024), Une refamilialisation du social dans la crise sanitaire de COVID-19? Éléments d’interprétation issus d’une revue de presse de mars à juin 2020 dans plusieurs pays européens. Sociograph - Sociological Research Studies, n° 65. Genève: Université de Genève, 136 p.
- Gómez Ugarte Valerio, A.C., Basellini, U., Camarda, C.G., Janssen, F., Zagheni, E. (2024), Reassessing socioeconomic inequalities in mortality via distributional similarities. MPIDR Working Paper WP-2024-007. Rostock: Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, 36 p.
- Gonzales Martinez, R., Janssen, F. (2024), Comparison of methods to estimate obesity-attributable mortality and high-BMI-attributable mortality by educational level in England & Wales, Finland, and Italy. NIDI Working Paper no. 2024/1. The Hague: NIDI, 73 p.
- Górny, A., Zwan, R. van der (2024), Mobility and labor market trajectories of Ukrainian migrants to Poland in the context of the 2014 Russian invasion of Ukraine. European Societies 26 (2): 438-468.
- Grünwald, O.; Damman, M.; Henkens, K. (2024), The experiences of grandparents looking after their grandchildren: Examining feelings of burden and obligation among non-custodial grandparents. Ageing & Society 44 (8): 1791-1808.
- Hendriks, I., Mandemakers, J.J. (2024), Woontevredenheid in Europees perspectief. Demos: bulletin over bevolking en samenleving 40 (10): 6-7.
- Henkens, J.H.D., Kalmijn, M., Valk, H.A.G. de (2024), Adolescent residential mobility and life satisfaction in emerging adulthood. Journal of Happiness Studies 25: 45.
- Henkens, J.H.D., Rouvroye, L. (2024), Digitaal nomadisme: nieuwe manier van werken en leven. Demos: bulletin over bevolking en samenleving 40 (4): 1-4.
- Henkens, J.H.D., Stevens, G.W.J.M., Valk, H.A.G de (2024), The relation between residential mobility and internalizing and externalizing problems in adolescence: The role of subjective moving experience, gender, and friendship quality. Journal of Youth and Adolescence 53 (10): 2234-2250.
- Henkens, K., Kalmijn, M. (2024), De concertzalen moeten de nieuwe vijftigers binden. Arco: Tijdschrift voor ESTA Nederland en Vlaanderen (4): 28-29.
- Henkens, K., Solinge, H. van (2024), Geld nauwelijks motief bij doorwerkende AOW’ers. Economisch Statistische Berichten 109 (4834): 266-267.
- Henkens, K., Solinge, H. van (eds.) (2024),Leo van Wissen: veelzijdig demograaf. Liber Amicorum, 163 p.
- Henkens, K., Solinge, H. van (2024), Vrijwilligerswerk neemt na pensionering sterk toe. Demos: bulletin over bevolking en samenleving 40 (3): 1-4.
- Her, Y., Kalmijn, M. (2024), Jumping together or not? Associations between siblings’ relationship quality and fertility transitions. Social Science Research 122: 103054.
- Hiekel, N., Liefbroer, A.C., Poortman, A.-R. (2024), Correction to: Understanding diversity in the meaning of cohabitation across Europe. European Journal of Population 40: 2.
- Hogendoorn, B., Berg, L. van den (2024), The educational diffusion of divorce: The role of gender and context. Journal of Marriage and Family 86 (3): 738-761.
- Hogendoorn, B., Kalmijn, M. (2024), Does ethnicity moderate the union dissolution penalty for women? A register-based analysis of changes in income components. European Journal of Population 40 (29).
- Hornstra, M., Ivanova, K. (2024), De manager van de familiebanden is vaak de moederfiguur. Demos: bulletin over bevolking en samenleving 40 (3): 5-7.
- Imeraj, L., Valk, H.A.G. de , Gadeyne, S. (2024), Parental education and neighbourhood-effect heterogeneity in educational attainments of native and minority youth in Belgian metropolitan cities. Population, Space and Place 30 (5): e2756.
- Janssen, F., Van Hemelrijck, W.M.J., Kagenaar, E., Sizer, A. (2024), Enabling the examination of long-term mortality trends by educational level for England and Wales in a time-consistent and internationally comparable manner. Population Health Metrics 22 (4).
- Jin, Y., Mazrekaj, D. (2024), Do parents have worse health? A comparison of people in same-sex and different-sex relationships. EFFEct Policy Brief No. 3. KU Leuven, 6 p.
- Jin, Y., Mazrekaj, D. (2024), The association between parenthood and health: A comparison of people in same-sex and different-sex relationships. SSM - Population Health 26: 101685.
- Kalmijn, M. (2024), Cohort changes in the association between parental divorce and children’s education: A long-term perspective on the institutionalization hypothesis. European Sociological Review 40 (1): 55-71.
- Kalmijn, M. (2024), Comparing neighbors and friends in age-related network changes. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B 79 (9): gbae108.
- Kalmijn, M. (2024), Cultural and social support explanations of the native-migrant gap in the use of day care for pre-school children. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 50 (4): 994-1012.
- Kalmijn, M. (2024), Discrepancies in parents’ perceptions of adult children’s well-being: evidence from mother–father–child triads. Journal of Family Studies 30 (5): 838-860.
- Kalmijn, M. (2024), Is de stad elitairder geworden? Veertig jaar veranderingen in het verband tussen opleidingsniveau en stedelijkheid. In: Henkens, K., Solinge, H. van (eds.), Leo van Wissen: veelzijdig demograaf. Liber Amicorum, p. 127-131.
- Kalmijn, M. (2024), Parents' socioeconomic status and support to adult children across the life course. Journal of Marriage and Family 86 (1): 7-29.
- Kalmijn, M., Henkens, K. (2024), A symphony for the ages: Strategies for classical music amid demographic shifts. Population Europe – Policy Insights.
- Kalmijn, M., Henkens, K. (2024), Grijzer en exclusiever? Veranderingen in het concertpubliek van klassieke muziek. Boekman 36 (139): 50-55.
- Kalmijn, M., Henkens, K. (2024), Het publiek vergrijst, maar het klassieke concert blijft. Economisch Statistische Berichten 109 (4837): 416-419.
- Kate, R.L.F. ten, Fokkema, T., Tilburg, T.G. van (2024), Gender differences in social embeddedness determinants of loneliness among Moroccan and Turkish older migrants. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B 79 (3): gbad177.
- Kazakova, Y., Leturcq, M., Panico, L. (2024), Multidimensional child deprivation: Constructing longitudinal indicators for the early childhood period. Child Indicators Research 17 (6): 2629-2669.
- Klok, J., Tilburg, T.G. van, Fokkema, T., Suanet, B. (2024), “We love it here and there”: Turkish older Alevi migrants’ belonging to places. Social and Cultural Geography 25 (1): 140-157.
- Kong, S. (2024), Mothers’ socioeconomic status and children's status attainment during the Chinese market transition. Chinese Journal of Sociology 10 (2): 313-336.
- Kong, S., Dong, H. (2024), The doubly disadvantaged: The motherhood penalty for internal migrants in China. Journal of Marriage and Family 86 (1): 199-218.
- Kong, S., Rouvroye, L., Gauthier, A.H. (2024), Who decides on women’s sexual and reproductive health and rights? Demos: bulletin on population and society 40 (5): 7.
- Krijnen, W.P., Meijerink, L., Zwakhals, L., Janssen, F., Lucht, F. van der (2024), Modeling life expectancy for municipalities in the Netherlands over the period 1996-2019. Fortune Journal of Health Sciences 7 (2): 231-239.
- Kroese, J., Bernasco, W., Liefbroer, A.C., Rouwendal, J. (2024), The anticipatory, short-term, and long-term effects of parental separation and parental death on adolescent delinquency. Journal of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology 10 (2): 288-308.
Kuyvenhoven, J. (2024),When moving matters: Unpacking patterns and consequences of childhood residential mobility. Doctoral dissertation. Groningen: University of Groningen, 237 p.
- Kuyvenhoven, J., Wijk, D.C. van (2024), Gezinnen met lage inkomens steeds vaker in overbezette woning. Demos: bulletin over bevolking en samenleving 40 (10): 4-5.
- Leopold, T., Kalmijn, M. (2024), Reassessing chronic strain: A research note on women’s income dynamics after divorce and separation. Demography 61 (3): 597-613.
- Lepe, A., Hoveling, L.A., Boissonneault, M., Beer, J.A.A. de, Reijneveld, S.A., Kroon, M.L.A. de, Liefbroer, A.C. (2024), Educational inequalities in major depressive disorder prevalence, timing and duration among adults over the life course: A microsimulation analysis based on the Lifelines Cohort Study. European Journal of Public Health 34 (4): 723-729.