Developing a national migrant panel dataset: Integrating surveys with register data

In this project, a new migrant panel dataset is being developed by uniquely integrating data from surveys and registers. A migrant panel contains individual data about (a sample of) migrants (and a comparison group of non-migrants) over a longer period of their lives (15-25 years). Methodologically, a new path is being taken by developing, for the first time, a nationally representative, long-term, and publicly accessible panel on migrant groups. Theoretically, the project is innovative because it allows for a more convincing testing of a multitude of theories on the integration of migrant groups. Institutionally, the project explores new ways of data access, archiving, and dissemination, and involves collaboration with both DANS and CBS. The panel being developed will enable researchers from NIDI and beyond to have a significant impact on the scientific literature on the integration of migrants and their children.

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