PROMISE: Prominent Reduction of loneliness among Older Migrants through Interventions and Social Engagement

Older migrants are more likely to be lonely than their peers without a migration background. Several factors contribute to the lack of an adequate approach to addressing loneliness among this group. The stigma and taboo surrounding loneliness often prevent open discussion, making it difficult for organizations to identify and reach the lonely older migrants. Furthermore, there is great diversity in the nature and causes of loneliness, while existing interventions tend to focus one-sidedly on increasing opportunities for social interaction.

The aim of the PROMISE project is to generate groundbreaking scientific knowledge and develop practical tools and guidelines to more effectively address loneliness among older migrants. We examine quantitatively the variation in underreporting loneliness within this population. Through innovative qualitative methods, we explore the reasons behind older migrants’ reluctance to talk openly about loneliness, the contexts in which this reluctance occurs, and how children and the larger community perceive and respond to the stigma and taboo surrounding loneliness. These new insights inform the development of a training programme for professionals and volunteers to facilitate constructive dialogue with lonely older migrants. Furthermore, we identify high-risk groups of loneliness and translate them into Personas and suitable accompanying types of interventions. A number of existing loneliness interventions are being adapted based on the new knowledge and evaluated for their effectiveness.

The PROMISE project is funded by NWO. It is a partnership led by NIDI in collaboration with four research institutions: University of Groningen, LUMC, Movisie and Pharos. The project is carried out in co-creation with various stakeholders, including welfare organisations and experience experts.

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