Esma Betül Savaş is a PhD researcher in NIDI with a background in Comparative Literature and Psychology in Koç University followed by the Behavioral Science Research Masters in Radboud University. Currently, she is involved with the project of International Retirement Migration. In this project, she is interested in how retired migrants’ well-being is affected by the activities they are involved in in their destination country.
E.B. (Esma) Savaş M.Sc.
PhD Researcher
- Savaş, E.B., Henkens, K., Kalmijn, M. (2025), Trouble in paradise? Emotional and social loneliness among international retirement migrants. Psychology and Aging.
- Savaş, E.B., Henkens, K., Kalmijn, M. (2024), Who is aging out of place? The role of migrant selectivity in international retirement migration. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 50 (2): 461-482.
- Savaş, E.B., Spaan, J. (2024), The risks and rewards of international retirement migration. Demos: bulletin on population and society 40 (5): 6.
- Savaş, E.B., Spaan, J., Henkens, K., Kalmijn, M., Dalen, H.P. van (2023), Migrating to a new country in late life: A review of the literature on international retirement migration. Demographic Research 48 (9): 233-270.
- Henkens, K., Kalmijn, M., Dalen, H. van, Savaş, E.B, Spaan, J. (2022), A survey of Dutch retirement migrants abroad: Codebook version 1.0. The Hague: NIDI-KNAW/University of Groningen, 95 p.
- Het onderzoek internationale pensioenmigratie (2022), Demos: bulletin over bevolking en samenleving 38 (5): 8.
- Savaş, E.B., Spaan, J., Dalen, H.P. van, Henkens, K., Kalmijn, M. (2022), Het wel en wee van de pensioenmigrant. Demos: bulletin over bevolking en samenleving 38 (5): 5-7.
- Spaan, J., Savaş, E.B., Dalen, H.P. van, Henkens, K., Kalmijn, M. (2022), Emigratie van Nederlanders op latere leeftijd. Demos: bulletin over bevolking en samenleving 38 (5): 1-4.