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Dr. G.G. (Gusta) Wachter
As of september 2023 no longer employed at NIDI.
Migration and ethnic relations
Pertzikovitz, A., Wachter, G.G., Kalmijn, M. (2024),
Why are children of immigrants less geographically mobile? Examining the role of economic disadvantage and family networks.
International Migration Review
Pertzikovitz, A., Wachter, G.G., Valk, H.A.G. de (2024),
Childhood internal migration in Europe: Developments across cohorts and countries.
Population, Space and Place
30 (9): e2792.
Tubergen, F. van, Wachter, G.G., Kosyakova, Y., Kogan, I. (2024),
Return intentions among Ukrainian refugees in Europe: A cross-national study.
International Migration
62 (5): 181-198.
Wachter, G.G., Hornstra, M. (2024),
Internal mobility of international migrants in Europe: A critical literature review and research agenda.
Population, Space and Place
30 (8): e2822.
Wachter, G.G. (2023),
Diversiteit in partnerrelaties van kinderen van immigranten.
Demos: bulletin over bevolking en samenleving
39 (2): 4-7.
Wachter, G.G., Costa, R. (2023),
Union formation of the children of immigrants: Does the ethnic composition of the childhood neighbourhood matter?
Population, Space and Place
29 (7): e2686.
Wachter, G.G. (2022),
Partnering Patterns: Diversity in union formation and dissolution among the children of immigrants.
Doctoral dissertation. Groningen: University of Groningen, 197 p.
Wachter, G.G., Valk, H.A.G. de (2022),
Cohort succession in the timing of marriage among the children of Turkish and Moroccan immigrants.
European Journal of Population
38 (3): 485-516.
Wachter, G.G., Valk, H.A.G. de (2022),
Who marries whom? Partner choice among the children of immigrants.
Demos, bulletin on population and society
38 (6): 6.
Jong, P.W. de, Wachter, G.G., Costa, R. (2021),
Covid-19 en internationale migratie.
Demos: bulletin over bevolking en samenleving
37 (3): 5-7.
Jong, P.W. de, Wachter, G.G., Dieleman, D. (2020),
Emigratie van de tweede generatie.
Statistische Trends
2020 (15): 1-16.
Lubbers, M., Wachter, G.G. (2020),
Diversiteit naar buitenlandse herkomst binnen homohuwelijken.
Demos: bulletin over bevolking en samenleving
36 (5): 4-7.
Wachter, G.G., Valk, H.A.G. de (2020),
Dating relationships of the Turkish second generation in Europe: Patterns, partner origin and the role of parents.
International Journal of Intercultural Relations
79: 94-105.
Bergen, D.D. van, Wachter, G.G., Feddes, A.R. (2019),
Externalizing behaviours of Turkish-Dutch and Moroccan-Dutch youth: The role of parental cultural socialization.
European Journal of Developmental Psychology
16 (1): 18-31.
Vuuren, C.L. van, Wachter, G.G., Veenstra, R., Rijnhart, J.J., Wal, M.F. van der, Chinapaw, M.J., Busch, V. (2019),
Associations between overweight and mental health problems among adolescents, and the mediating role of victimization.
BMC Public Health
19: 612.
Wachter, G.G., Valk, H.A.G. de (2019),
Wie trouwt met wie? Partnerkeuze van de tweede generatie.
Demos: bulletin over bevolking en samenleving
35 (10): 4-7.
Wachter, G.G., Fleischmann, F. (2018),
Settlement intentions and immigrant integration: The case of recently arrived EU-immigrants in the Netherlands.
International Migration
56 (4): 154-171.
Wachter, G.G., Steenkamer, W.A., Vuuren, C.L. van (2018),
Minder sociaal-emotionele problemen bij basisschoolkinderen: Trends onder 5- en 10-jarigen in Amsterdam tussen 2009-2010 en 2015-2016.
Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde
162 (18): D1997.
Wachter, G.G., Valk, H.A.G. de (2018),
Veranderingen in relatie- en gezinsvorming binnen de tweede generatie. Jaarrapport Integratie 2018. Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek, 2018. pp. 145-189.
Bobowik, M., Martinovic, B., Basabe, N., Barsties, L.S., Wachter, G.G. (2017),
'Healthy' identities? Revisiting rejection‐identification and rejection‐disidentification models among voluntary and forced immigrants.
European Journal of Social Psychology
47 (7): 818-831.
Distelbrink, M., Day, M., Wachter, G.G. (2016),
Poolse en Bulgaarse ouders en kinderen in Nederland. Belangrijke kwesties volgens vrijwilligers. Utrecht: Kennisplatform Integratie & Samenleving, 15 p.
Mak, J., Distelbrink, M., Wachter, G.G. (2016),
Inventarisatie diversiteit in de GGz. Verslag van een enquête onder GGz-professionals. Utrecht: Verwey-Jonker instituut, 29 p.
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Prof. dr. S.A. (Solveig) Cunningham
Prof. dr. C.J.I.M. (Kène) Henkens
Dr. S. (Stefano) Cellini
Dr. L. (Lonneke) van den Berg
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