DEMOS, June 2022, Volume 38, Special Issue 6, on the occasion of the European Population Conference 2022 in Groningen, with articles on:
Policy choices in an ageing society
Although 2050 is still a long way off, we already know that in the next thirty years the number of older people in the Netherlands will increase much faster than the working age population. A scenario analysis shows the possible effects of future policy choices concerning labour migration, labour force participation and a reduction in the growth of the demand for healthcare. Read more …
Fifty years of demographic change
NIDI was founded in 1970 and celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2020. In these fifty years the demographic landscape in the Netherlands has changed significantly and shown a trend towards a more crowded, aged and diverse society. Read more …
Young adults question normative roles of men and women in society
Gender is a hot topic among young adults. Characteristics, behaviours and roles that have traditionally been ascribed to either men or women are scrutinised on social media. Based on data of a diverse set of countries young adults appear to be questioning whether gender is still a relevant factor for assigning appropriate societal roles. Read more …
The Lifelines Cohort Study: A rich data source for demographers
Population-based cohort studies are important for causal analyses between demographic events and healthrelated outcomes. The University of Groningen has been building the Lifelines Cohort Study, which offers rich possibilities for cross-fertilization between demographers and biomedical researchers. A primer for the uninitiated. Read more …
Who marries whom? Partner choice among the children of immigrants
Although marriages within the same origin group remain popular, the Turkish, Moroccan and Surinamese second generation in the Netherlands increasingly often marry outside of their origin group . This is in large part due to an increase in marriage partners with a migrant background that is different than their own. But who are these partners with a different migration background? Read more …
Post-retirement work limits participation in volunteer work
Will the drive towards working longer at ages beyond the public pension age crowd out volunteer work among retirees? NIDI panel data among older workers in the Netherlands suggest it does. Read more …
Demographers’ views on family and child policies
Concerns about low fertility rate regularly lead conservative politicians to call for higher birth rates by offering incentives, like baby bonuses. Will such alternative policy efforts effect a change? A survey among European demographers suggests that baby bonuses are perceived as highly ineffective. Read more …