Prof. dr. H.P. (Harry) van Dalen


Harry van Dalen is full professor of economics at Tilburg University and senior research associate at NIDI, within the department of Work & Retirement, where his research focuses on the social and economic consequences of an ageing labor market as well as pension decision making and the implications of an aging population for pensions. He is the managing editor of Demos and former managing editor of the Dutch webforum for economists Me Judice. He has been in the past been affiliated with the Tinbergen Institute, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Scientific Council for Government Policy and the Council of Economic Advisors. He has been a columnist for de Volkskrant and Zin Magazine. His research interests cover labour economics, pension economics, migration, history of economic thought, bibliometrics, and the sociology of science.


Professor of Macro-Economics at the Tilburg School of Economics and Management (TISEM), Tilburg University


Population economics, social security, pensions, public choice


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