An overview of all research projects of the theme group
Current projects
- A place to grow old? The risks and rewards of retirement migration
- Achtergrondstudies Bevolking 2050
- Ageing workers in an ageing society: Labour force transitions and work in late life
- Bridging the earnings gap: what LGBT-couples tell us about gender inequality
- Comparing current and future ageing in Europe and Asia using a multidimensional ageing indicator
- CrossMigration: Current European and Cross-National Comparative Research and Research Actions on Migration
- Delaying retirement: Confronting responses of employees and employers
- Developing a national migrant panel dataset: Integrating surveys with register data
- Dilemmas of doing Diversity (DiDi): Diversity policies and practices in Dutch towns in the past, present, and future
- Employment insecurity and family formation patterns in the Netherlands: Differences by migrant background explored and explained
- Explaining differences in union dissolution between municipalities: the role of compositional, contextual and cross-level effects
- Family Complexity: Intergenerational reproduction and solidarity in an era of family complexity
- FAMINE: Prenatal under-nutrition exposure and adult mortality
- Forecasting future socio-economic inequalities in longevity: the impact of lifestyle ‘epidemics’
- FUME: Future Migration Scenarios for Europe
- Future mortality: Integrating smoking, alcohol, and obesity
- GGP: Generations and Gender Programme
- Het NIDI Pensioen Panel Onderzoek
- Historical GIS & demography
- Life-course transitions, socio-economic status and health behaviours
- Long-term consequences of growing up in out-of-home care: a study of family formation, employment and crime
- MYMOVE: Migrant youth mobility in Europe - Patterns, processes and consequences
- Pension monitor: Understanding causes and consequences of trust in pension institutions
- PREMIUM_EU: Policy REcommendations to Maximise the beneficial Impact of Unexplored Mobilities in and beyond the European Union
- PROMISE: Prominent Reduction of loneliness among Older Migrants through Interventions and Social Engagement
- QuantMig: Quantifying Migration Scenarios for Better Policy
- Socio-economic differences in health and mortality later in life
- SSHOC: Social Sciences & Humanities Open Cloud
- Stepfamilies then and now: Building a database on children’s experiences of family complexity in the 20th century
- Temporary contracts and the transition to adulthood: The road to adulthood all tangled up? The impact of temporary contracts on the living situation and well-being of young adults
- The causes and consequences of retirement: A sociological perspective
- The Comparative Panel File: Harmonizing comparative lifecourse data
- The effect of early life circumstances on health and formal long term care use
- The impact of neighbourhood effects and socio-economic status on mental health over individual life courses
- The life course of the young in the 21st century: risks for increasing inequality?
- The multicultural drama in perspective: 40 years of migrants and non-migrants in the Netherlands
- Unintended births and the motherhood penalty
- Verkenning Bevolking 2050
- Work and retirement of older migrants
Archived projects
- Care, retirement and wellbeing of older people across different welfare regimes: A subproject of the CREW project
- CONOPP: Contexts of Opportunity: Explaining Cross-National Variation in the Links between Childhood Disadvantage, Young Adult Demographic Behaviour and Later-Life Outcomes
- Coordination of the European Social Survey in the Netherlands
- Doorwerken voor AOW en pensioen: besef en beleving
- Families of migrant origin: A life course perspective (FAMILIFE)
- Family formation, family dissolution and reproduction in the Netherlands
- Financial Resource Flows for Family Planning
- Longitudinal employer-employee perspectives on the role of human capital investments for retirement transitions (LEEP)
- Mobile Welfare: European welfare states in times of mobility
- NKPS: Netherlands Kinship Panel Study
- ODISSEI: Open Data Infrastructure for Social Science and Economic Innovations
- Refugee women and their opportunities and challenges in the Dutch labour market
- Residential segregation in five European countries: A comparative study using individualized scalable neighborhoods (ResSegr)
- SERISS: Synergies for Europe's Research Infrastructures in the Social Sciences
- The Comparative Family Policy Database
- The pros and cons of a flexible public pension age
- Understanding the relationship between paid work after retirement and well-being in a European perspective